Crowned Lapwing Plover With Ruffled Feathers
The Crowned Lapwing (Vanellus coronatus) is also known as the Crowned Plover. It is a common resident in South Africa and is easily identified by the white circle, or crown, surrounding the black cap. The adults have bright red legs and a red base to the bill. The eyes are usually pale yellow, but sometimes dark brown. They are often very noisy birds, calling "kie-weeeet" on the ground and a repeated "kree-kree-kreeip-kreeip" in flight - day and night. This beautiful specimen had its feathers ruffled to keep it warm just after sunrise on a very cold morning.
© 2011 All Rights Reserved
© 2011 All Rights Reserved
Kruger National Park, South Africa
Joan Ryder Rathband FRPS FPSSA

Crowned Lapwing Plover With Ruffled Feathers
The Crowned Lapwing (Vanellus coronatus) is also known as the Crowned Plover. It is a common resident in South Africa and is easily identified by the white circle, or crown, surrounding the black cap. The adults have bright red legs and a red base to the bill. The eyes are usually pale yellow, but sometimes dark brown. They are often very noisy birds, calling "kie-weeeet" on the ground and a repeated "kree-kree-kreeip-kreeip" in flight - day and night. This beautiful specimen had its feathers ruffled to keep it warm just after sunrise on a very cold morning.
© 2011 All Rights Reserved
© 2011 All Rights Reserved
Kruger National Park, South Africa
Joan Ryder Rathband FRPS FPSSA

Crowned Lapwing Plover With Ruffled Feathers
The Crowned Lapwing (Vanellus coronatus) is also known as the Crowned Plover. It is a common resident in South Africa and is easily identified by the white circle, or crown, surrounding the black cap. The adults have bright red legs and a red base to the bill. The eyes are usually pale yellow, but sometimes dark brown. They are often very noisy birds, calling "kie-weeeet" on the ground and a repeated "kree-kree-kreeip-kreeip" in flight - day and night. This beautiful specimen had its feathers ruffled to keep it warm just after sunrise on a very cold morning.
© 2011 All Rights Reserved
© 2011 All Rights Reserved
Kruger National Park, South Africa
Joan Ryder Rathband FRPS FPSSA